Near-Death Experiences (NDEs) are a subset of a larger phenomena, Spiritually Transformative Experiences (STEs). All NDEs are STEs but not all STEs are NDEs.
NDEs are a subjective phenomena. In an attempt to understand and categorize STEs in a manner that our scientific minds tend to do, some have made lists of the most common things experienced during an NDE and “require” that a certain number of these things be experienced during an NDE to make the NDE “valid.”
Unfortunately, because this type of emphasis is placed on defining an NDE in quantitative, scientific terms, many who undergo NDEs think their NDE is “invalid” because they didn’t meet the minimal amount of “required” items on these lists. Nothing could be farther from the truth.
The term Life Between Lives (LBL) refers to the findings of 30 years of research conducted by Michael Newton, Ph.D on over 7,000 clients. Dr. Newton (who transitioned in 2016) conducted his research after discovering that under hypnosis we can not only access past lives, but also the time we spend between lives in the spirit realm as we prepare for our next incarnations. Listen to item #264 from August 6th, 2019 and check out the LBLs materials in the store page.
Brainwave states come into play when we try and understand what physiologically happens to our brains while we are meditating, dreaming, or we undergo hypnosis or listen to relaxation recordings.

Beta brainwaves (15 – 40 Hz) are present when your brain is strongly aroused and engaged as in when you are debating someone.

Alpha brainwaves (9 – 14 Hz) are present when your brain is in a non-arousal state as in when you have completed your debate and you sit and rest your brain. This is the state you experience when or sit in a peaceful garden or meditate.

Theta brainwaves (5 – 8 Hz) are present when you are daydreaming or zoning out as in when you are driving on a freeway and discover you passed your offramp 5 miles ago because you were zoned out.

Delta brainwaves (1.5 – 4 Hz) are present during deep dreamless sleep. Note that brainwaves don’t go to zero as that would indicate brain death.