Item #403 AKA Patreon Item #012. 1/31/2023. SciShow Psych. What Causes NDEs?
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This is the 12th episode Chas released as a Patreon item.
Here’s the link to the SciShow Psych YouTube video.

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This is the 12th episode Chas released as a Patreon item.
Here’s the link to the SciShow Psych YouTube video.
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Charlotte Thomason had a remarkable near-death experience while giving birth to her daughter, who, sadly, didn’t survive. But Charlotte returned, and her story is a powerful inspiration, demonstrating that God loves us unconditionally, and Jesus Christ is taking care of those we love on the other side. Click here to see the YouTube video.
This is the 11th of 19 Patreon Episodes Chas produced for the show.
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Introducing and welcoming Nora O’Dowd to the podcast as my new co-host.
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Episode 400 of this podcast is a mile stone. Not many podcasts make it this far. So I’m using this episode as a guide post for people to orient themselves to the past and future of the show.
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Chas reads his 10th account from the Patreon Items. This is a good one to help us understand the separation between body and spirit. There is no link to the NDERF site for this item.
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Chas reads the hellish NDE Of Meg A from the NDERF website. Listener beware, this NDE is very disturbing. Chas reads from the NDERF website.
Read Meg A’s entire NDE complete account on the NDERF website.
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Chas reads Herbert M’s NDE account from the NDERF website.
Read Herbert M’s complete NDE account on the NDERF website.
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Chas reads the NDEs of Richard and Pinchon from the NDERF website.
Read the complete NDE account of Richard S on the NDERF website.
Read the complete NDE account of Pinchon on the NDERF website.
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Edwin was electrocuted in 1969 when he was 12 years old. Chas reads from the NDERF website.
Read Edwin’s complete account on the NDERF website.
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Chas reads the NDE of Chantel from the NDERF website. This is the fourth in the series of Patreon items. You can read the complete account that Chantel posted by clicking on the link below. Thank you for listening and supporting the show.
Read Chantal’s complete NDE account on the NDERF website.
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Chas reads the third of the Patreon episodes. In this one, Roger has an amazing experience that gives insight into life on other planets. This corroborates what Eben Alexander said in his book, Proof Of Heaven” that he saw life forms during his NDE that were not human and were way smarted than humans. Chas reads from the NDERF website.
Read Roger C’s complete account on the NDERF website.
Help keep the show financially viable here. Thank you!
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Chas reads a couple very interesting NDEs from deep in the IANDS archives. Both are people who have ridiculously high fevers and see things on the other side beyond their ability to fully describe. There is no link to the IANDS report. You can still get a free e-copy of Chas’ book, “Life in the Spirit World: What Near-Death Experiences May Teach About Life on the Other Side” by supporting the podcast via Patreon. You can either give a one-time donation or become an ongoing supporter. Either way, your support is very much appreciated and greatly help keep the show financially viable. Thank you!
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Nicole is a new listener who has been diagnosed with Thanatophobia, the extreme fear of death and the dying process. She wrote to thank us for the help our podcast has provided her, and to tell us how, by listening to the show, she realized she’d had a shared death experience as a child. This is a good account for those who wonder about pets in the sprit world.
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The first of the Patreon Items. Help us keep the podcast financially viable on Patreon.
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When Johnny D was 13 years-old he was struck by lightening when it hit the pole he was leaning on. That’s when his NDE began. Chas reads from the NDERF website.
Read Johnny D’s complete account on the NDERF website.
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Chas answers listener questions and John has an announcement.
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Chas answers listener questions. Purchase Chas’ music and book via the NDE Podcast website.
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Chas reads Marica’s NDE from the NDERF website. John reads listener feedback about the extensive numerology in item 384.
Read Marica’s complete NDE account on the NDERF website.
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During her NDE, Tammy H had VERY extreme experiences; both positive and negative. Chas reads from the NDERF website.
Read the complete NDE account of Tammy H on the NDERF website. Podcast: Play in new window | Download Subscribe: RSS DISCLAIMER: DO NOT ATTEMPT SUICIDE IN ORDER TO TRY TO EXPERIENCE AN NDE. Chris B experienced his NDE during a suicide attempt. Laura N experienced her NDE after a hysterectomy. And Muriel N experienced her NDE after a post-surgical hemorrhage. Chas reads from the NDERF …
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Volley B’s first NDE occurred when he had a heart attack at the age of 25 and was clinically dead for 14 minutes. His other NDE was during his second heart attack when he was clinically dead for 27 minutes. Chas reads from the NDERF website.
Read the complete NDE account of Volley B on he NDERF website.
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In this episode Chas and Kirsty Salisbury interview each other. Kirsty hosts the “Let’s Talk Near Death” podcast. This episode is being simulcast on our show and Kirsty’s show. Check out Kirsty’s podcast via the link below.
Let’s talk Near Death Podcast With Kirsty Salisbury.
Kirsty Salisbury Podcast: Play in new window | Download Subscribe: RSS In June 0f 1989, when she was eight years old, Ana had her NDE during surgery and realized that she would not live forever. This experience is very long and detailed. It includes details about the abilities she gained after her experience. You owe it …
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Listener Kim S had an Out of Body Experience in which she encountered a large, bright white figure of light. When she asked who he was the figure replied, “You KNOW who I AM.” Chas reads and discusses Kim’s OBE. There is no NDERF link to this episode but there is a link to it on the OBERF website. The OBERF is an arm of the NDERF.
Read the complete OBE of Kim S on the OBERF website.
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In 1989, Jia Ming contracted Fulminant Hepatitis with acute kidney failure. She was sent to a hospital somewhere in southern Taiwan. When she arrived at the hospital, her liver and kidney were nonfunctioning and her pupils were dilated. The hospital issued a critical condition notice to her family. Jia woke up after four days in a coma. Subsequently, she had transformed to cast a new light on life. Chas reads from the NDERF website.
Read Jia Ming’s complete NDE account on the NDERF website.
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Matteo C had his NDE when he drowned while swimming with his girlfriend in 2004. Like many NDErs, his experience began when he decided to let go. Chas reads from the NDERF website.
Read Matteo C’s complete NDE on the NDERF website.
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Chas reads and comments on Matt’s NDE from Matt’s e-mail.
No link to the NDERF website as this was from Matt’s e-mail. Podcast: Play in new window | Download Subscribe: RSS In her NDE, Sharon W was visited by three entities including her deceased dog. Benedicte F experienced unconditional like she can’t describe during her NDE. And Cerie C was in cardiac arrest for 25 minutes. Chas reads from the NDERF website. Read Sharon W’s complete … Podcast: Play in new window | Download Subscribe: RSS Zenaida was 7 months pregnant when she had her NDE in January of 1976. While she was unconscious for 25 minutes, her experience seemed like 5 million years because time was endless. Shirley D’s NDE occurred in November of 1995 when she tried to take …
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In a spit second during the crash, this female Taiwan University Student entered into another realm. Chas reads from the NDERF website.
Read the entire account of this Taiwan University Student’s NDE on the NDERF website.
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Chas interviews Russell Ricks who talks about his childhood NDE and his book, “Remember: A Little Boy’s Near-Death Experience.”
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In 2010 Michael had a stroke secondary to an overdose. During his experience he experienced a Divine masculine energy in relation to a Divine feminine energy. Chas reads from the NDERF website.
Read Michael’s complete NDE account on the NDERF website.
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MaErija realized at a very tender age that she was not a welcomed baby. MaErija experienced her NDE when her mother attempted to murder her. Chas reads from the NDERF website.
Read MaErija’s complete NDE account on the NDERF website.
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Marc M experienced many, many dimensions during his NDE. Chas reads from the NDERF website.
Read Marc M’s complete NDE on the NDERF website.
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Chas reads and comments from listener E-Mail. Thank you to everyone who listens to the show, writes to us, calls us, leaves reviews on iTunes and supports us on via Patreon. You are a blessing beyond description to Chas and John. And thank you Jody and Jeff at the NDERF.
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In March, 2003 Laetitia underwent gallbladder surgery. The next thing she knew she was out of her body and in a dark tunnel with people wandering around. Virginie flatlined in the ICU and rose up to the ceiling. She also entered a tunnel where deceased family members were. Then, her brother, Philippe (who had transitioned 12 years earlier) took her by the hand. Chas reads from the NDERF website.
Read Laetitia V’s complete NDE account on the NDERF website.
Read Virginie R’s complete NDE account on there NDERF website.
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Marilyn L experienced her first NDE in 1965 when she was 10 years old and hurricane Betsy hit her childhood home head-on. Her second NDE was 10 years later. Chas reads from the NDERF website.
Read Marilyn Ls complete NDE on the NDERF website.
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Adrian W’s first NDE occurred when he was 13 years old and he hanged himself. His second NDE was in May, 1982 when he was shot during an argument. Seth C had a heart attack on Friday the 13th of May, 2016. Seth’s experience includes encountering his recently deceased dog. Chas reads from the NDERF website.
Read Adrian W’s complete NDE on the NDERF website.
Read Seth C’s complete NDE and watch his video on the NDERF website.
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Xue-Mei C was raised by a very strict and authoritarian father. While in college she was an active member of the communist party and a self-described die-hard atheist with no attachments to any religion or superstitions. This would all change in 1995 when she had an allergic reaction to a medication. Chas reads from the NDERF website.
Read Xue-Mei C’s complete NDE on the NDERF website.
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Colin F had a distressing NDE which contrasts to the NDE of Sherri A who experienced humor and laughter while dead. Cyril C’s NDE brought back evidence from his NDE. Chas reads from the NDERF website.
Read Colin F’s complete NDE on the NDERF website.
Read Sherri A’s complete NDE on the NDERF website.
Read Cyril C’s complete NDE on the NDERF website.
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Chas reads from the NDERF website.
Read Fiona M’s complete NDE account on the NDERF website.
Read Ruei H’s complete NDE account on the NDERF website.
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Caren J’s NDE is Christin and and Halil T’s is Muslim. Chas offers insight into this contrast while reading from the NDERF website. You are strongly encouraged to learn more about these NDEs by clicking the links in the show notes and reading their entire NDE accounts.
Read Caren J’s complete NDE account on the NDERF website.
Read Halil T’s complete NDE account on the NDERF website.
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Chas reads the NDEs of Stuart C and Marty D from the NDERF website and explains his concept of Wistagia.
Read Stuart C’s complete NDE account on the NDERF website.
Read Marty D’s complete NDE account on the NDERF website.
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Chas has a few words for those who are new to the show. Then he reads Eric M’s NDE from the NDERF website.
Read Eric M’s complete NDE on the NDERF website. Podcast: Play in new window | Download Subscribe: RSS Martin Wentzel was riding his bike in Sweden when a car hit him head-on. He was dead for 8 minutes. His account is so fascinating you absolutely must read it along with his extra comments on the NDERF website. And you will want to listen …
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During her NDE, Graça began traveling at an unthinkable speed. She saw the Earth and the Moon in the distance. She saw the Sun moving away. She saw colors that she cannot define because they don’t fit in the palette of Earthly colors. She felt a sentiment similar to one that we have when, after a long absence, we come back home. She felt as if she was ‘going back home’. She was at peace and felt happier than she had ever felt before. She returned with evidence that she really had left her body. Chas reads from the NDERF website.
Read Graça P’s complete NDE account on the NDERF website.
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Anke E’s NDE gives us plenty to ruminate on regarding the connection between body and spirit. Chas reads from the NDERF website. Podcast: Play in new window | Download Subscribe: RSS Back in February, 1957 when Dana M was in the first grade, she became very ill and felt weightless. She saw a keyhole with light coming through it, but all around it was darkness. She moved toward it and saw light beyond it. Then she … Podcast: Play in new window | Download Subscribe: RSS Gustav K was attacked, robbed, and shot in the head by a group of youths as he exited a bank. Suddenly, he hovered over his body. He saw one of the youths kick him in the head as the group walked away. He tried following …
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During surgery for an ectopic pregnancy, Katherine L’s NDE included beings who guided her to her life review that had her understanding that it wasn’t about doing the ‘wrong’ thing in situations, or making unwise choices, but that the times of greatest challenge for her were times in which she could have acted but chose inaction. Chas reads from the NDERF website.
Read Katherine L’s complete NDE report on the NDERF website.
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Diane W was a Nurse for 35 years. During her NDE she was given a message that would lead to a reconciliation of family members that reached beyond generations and into eternity. Chas reads from the NDERF website.
Read the complete NDE of Diane W on the NDERF website.
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When Ember attempted to commit suicide she found herself in place that “felt like Oz.” William C was in the hospital being fed through a tube inserted into his nose and down into his stomach. He felt himself take his last breath as is lungs filled with the feeding. Then everything went black. Chas reads from the NDERF website.
Read Ember C’s complete NDE on the NDERF website.
Read William C’s complete NDE on the NDERF website.
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Pastor Mike Olsen has been diagnosed with IPF — Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis. There is no cure. He underwent a double lung transplant during which he experienced phenomena which he discuses here along with some other STEs he has experienced. John interviews Pastor Mike.
Mike Olsen Project Facebook page.
Organ and Tissue Donation Information.
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Joseph S describes a rather controversial NDE as Chas will explain at the begin of his episode. Chas reads from the NDERF website.
Read the complete NDE account of Joseph S on the NDERF website.
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Paul was very close to his father. So close, that Paul experienced several STEs before and after his Father’s transition. Chas reads from the NDERF website.
Read Paul B’s complete report on the NDERF website. Podcast: Play in new window | Download Subscribe: RSS Chas reads multiple NDEs from the website. Read the complete NDE of Keven M. Read the complete NDE of Peter M. Read the complete NDE of Weston G. Read the complete NDE of Steven C.
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Terre D had her NDE at age seven while she was playing a dangerous game with her friends. Chas reads from the website. Podcast: Play in new window | Download Subscribe: RSS Deborah’s Doctor was yelling at her to, “Not die on him as he had spent too much time on her so she could live and don’t quit on him NOW!” Nonetheless, she astral projected and went through the tunnel of black void and into the … Podcast: Play in new window | Download Subscribe: RSS Judy P had her NDE after giving birth to her son. She realized that what she experienced during her NDE was to prepare her for what would happen just thirteen days later. Patricia S drowned at the age of six or seven at a family … Podcast: Play in new window | Download Subscribe: RSS James W never thought of his experiences as NDEs until he subsequently read about NDEs that showed him that many people describe their near death experiences that resulted from heart attack, car accident, etc. in a way that closely resembles the way James describes his … Podcast: Play in new window | Download Subscribe: RSS During her NDE, Rhonda J became aware of a voice that told her that it was not her time, that she had things to do which were not completed, but that she would have the choice of dying or returning to her life. At that … Podcast: Play in new window | Download Subscribe: RSS In 1973, at the age of twenty, Cynthi had been drinking in a tavern with friends. A good friend of hers had insisted on giving her a ride home, but for some reason, Cynthi made a life changing decision to take a ride home with …
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Pat P’s first NDE occurred in 1958 when, at the age of 7 she had an anaphylactic reaction to massive amounts of penicillin. The joy and innocence she experienced then was in stark contrast to what she experienced in 1983 during her second NDE which came about from convulsions secondary to hypothermia. Chas reads from the NDERF website.
Read Pat P’s complete account of her NDEs on the NDERF website. Podcast: Play in new window | Download Subscribe: RSS In the summer of 1955, Phillip H ad his brothers were hit by a pickup truck driven by a drunk driver. He found himself out of his body asking, “Where are my brothers?” In 1959, Diane S woke up in the morgue, naked and paralyzed. …
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Jorge R experienced his NDE in 1978 as a small child. He never told anyone about it for 25 years. Maria S had her NDE when she had an amniotic fluid embolism. She encountered her deceased Grandmother and Aunt. Chas reads from the NDERF website.
Read Jorge R’s complete NDE on the website.
Read Maria S’s complete NDE on the website.
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On April 15, 2001 Jerald H had a heart attack and was flatlined for approximately 8 minutes according to his physician. The space he entered was clearly not in our dimension, but still within reach to transition back to our realm. In this space he was awaiting the next event. He could only assume that he was waiting to journey from that point to another. Chas reads from the NDERF website.
Read Jerald H’s complete NDE on the website.
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Juanita experienced her NDE after giving birth to her son. Chas reads from the NDERF website.
Read Juanita’s complete NDE account of the NDERF website. Podcast: Play in new window | Download Subscribe: RSS Karie N was driving on highway 290 at 70 MPH when she collided with a pickup truck. Her NDE gives further evidence that there are beings up above that love us, look after us, and are waiting for us to come Home. Chas reads from … Podcast: Play in new window | Download Subscribe: RSS Stepen C admits he was just an out of control, bike riding, drug using “hippie” from the 1960s who, up until the time of his NDE, had no knowledge or understanding of ETs, NDEs, or afterlife stuff. That all changed when he was accosted, stabbed …
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The alarm on the blood pressure machine was the last thing Kath N heard before it felt like she was shot out of herself. In the next instant, her back was to the ceiling and she was looking down at all the activity. She knew the body on the table was hers, but it didn’t matter to her. There was a silvery white light to her left, but she didn’t want to look at it yet. Instead, she wanted to look her Doctor in the eye. Chas reads from the NDERF website. And Chas reads from listener e-mail.
Read Kathy N’s complete NDE account on the NDERF website.
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Chas interviews Rhiannon Frances who shares many of her STEs.
Mentioned in this episode.
BY THERESE A. RANDO, Ph.D Podcast: Play in new window | Download Subscribe: RSS Jessica was in a coma for seven days secondary to encephalitis when she encountered a tunnel with a bright soft white light. At the end of the tunnel she was greeted by her brother who has transitioned five years before Jessica was born. Chas reads …
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When he was under anesthesia while undergoing knee surgery at the age of 15 in the fall of 1970, Michael heard one of the nurses yell out, “Straight line, straight line, my God! We’ve got a straight line!” At the exact moment, it was as if his consciousness was sucked into a vacuum and everything became crystal clear. Chas reads from the NDE website.
Read Michael H’s complete NDE on the NDERF website. Podcast: Play in new window | Download Subscribe: RSS Stephanie Arnold experienced extremely intense premonitions about having a complication that occurs in 1 of every 40,000 pregnancies. She saw that her upcoming c-section would result in her death while sparing the life of her baby. She was right. Her story will absolutely amaze you. … Podcast: Play in new window | Download Subscribe: RSS In 1967, when he was 3 or 4 years-old, William D recalls leaving his body and seeing the doctors and nurses working on him. He encountered deceased relatives and God, or someone who had the power to determine if he would stay or return. Chas …
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During her medically induced coma, Carolyn experienced a white mist pass through the top of her head and work its way slowly through her body. She encountered a vally where the rocks were blacker than black. The only reason she could see these rocks was because there was a light that was in the valley. It turned the darkness into light. She could see a man dressed in a brilliant white robe. His clothes were as bright as a lightning bolt. He spoke to her. Chas reads from the NDERF website.
Read Carolyn B’s NDE on the NDERF website.
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Melinda Lyons had an anaphylactic reaction after eating a hot dog with cheese in it. Animal lovers who wonder if our pets go to heaven will appreciate what she experienced during her NDE.
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Right after he was involved in a head on collision with a semi-truck while traveling in Mexico, Vinnie was not yet aware his friend had died. Beings of light were surrounding the vehicle they were in. These beings were protecting him from these other ‘things’ that were dark black and they seemed to buzz around like bees. They were attempting to penetrate the shield the beings of light had formed. They seemed to know that they couldn’t penetrate it, but they still didn’t stop attempting to penetrate it. Then many different events occurred to Vinnie. Chas reads from the NDERF website. Chas also reads e-mail from listeners.
Read Vinnie G’s NDE on the NDERF website.
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Suzanne Boehm died in a dentist chair from an allergic reaction to Novocain during a routine procedure. During the four minutes while her heart stopped, she went beyond the tunnel where she encountered the Divine Creator. Suzanne was given a choice to stay or return with His messages. Chas reads from the NDERF website.
Read Suzanne Boehm’s NDE on the NDERF website.
Beyond the Tunnel: A Near Death By Suzanne Boehm Podcast: Play in new window | Download Subscribe: RSS Dr. M. Ghaabi experienced his NDE under failed anesthesia. As he was pulled out of his body he experienced many phenomena and came to know there is a supreme reality, and that this reality is a universal entity, which spanned the seen and unseen universes. …
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After being the passenger in a car accident, Jennifer V saw her lifeless body draped over the body of the badly injured driver of the car. She was so excited to return to her heavenly home! Then, she was asked to return in order to help save the life of the driver. Chas reads from the NDERF website.
Read Jennifer V’s NDE on the NDERF website. Podcast: Play in new window | Download Subscribe: RSS Robert C’s multiple STEs include two NDEs and were preceded by a car accident when he was about three years old. This accident seemed to correlate with him developing pre-cognition. John reads from the website. Read Robert C’s NDE on the NDERF website. Items … Podcast: Play in new window | Download Subscribe: RSS Chas reads the NDEs and questions from listeners. Discussion includes the likelihood of the spirit leaving the body before a horrific death and how some experience a vibration in their body during STEs. With regards to experiencing a vibration in the body during an STE, …
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Following complications from the delivery of her baby girl, Melinda was greeted by guardian angels as she arose from her body. A veil lifted and she was drawn into a long, dark tunnel that had a very bright, white light that was shining love. She could hear harps and saw deceased relatives. She felt total bliss and happiness. She knew she was home and never wanted to leave. But her NDE had just begun. Chas reads Melinda’s NDE from the NDERF website.
Read Melinda G’s NDE on the NDERF website. Podcast: Play in new window | Download Subscribe: RSS Wayne R was thrown from the car and landed facedown on the road. He came from his body and heard a voice in his right ear. It was the voice of his next-door neighbor (who was still alive at the time) saying, “Do not look … Podcast: Play in new window | Download Subscribe: RSS Chad brings his insight into Dr. Mary C. Neal’s TEDx talk about how death brings context to life. Links to the complete YouTube video of Dr. Neal’s TEDx talk, the original NDE podcast show Chas did about her book back in Item #72 on 8/20/2018, … Podcast: Play in new window | Download Subscribe: RSS Sam Studer has been the host of Sam Reads Near-Death Experiences podcast. He has just rebranded his podcast as “Decoding Death.” His material delves deep into the psychological aspects of STEs including the concepts of mythology, archetypes, and Jungian psychology. Sam exposes us to material … Podcast: Play in new window | Download Subscribe: RSS Chas reads the NDEs of three NDERF website reports. Kasandra, who had her NDE during the events of 9/11/2001, RF who saw “guides” at the end of a tunnel who help souls cross over a river, and Irene who passed through an “ox-blood, red tunnel” … Podcast: Play in new window | Download Subscribe: RSS James’ NDE began after his exploratory surgery by waking up on a ledge no wider than one to two inches. His feet felt as if he was standing on the edge of a cliff. He felt a wall behind him, and flattened himself to it …
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Tumbling 60 feet down a highway after being hit on a motorcycle led to Sharon’s NDE. Chas reads her account from the NDERF website.
Read Sharon D’s complete NDE on the NDERF website. Podcast: Play in new window | Download Subscribe: RSS John interviews Chas about his research of NDEs and how he came to start the podcast as well as “Life in the Spirit World” which has now been published in audiobook form. And, Chas does the reading for the audiobook! Thank you for listening and …
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Chas shares part of an interview of Chas that Daniel Lovett was conducting for his radio show. The link to Daniel’s entire interview of Chas is (here). And the link to Daniel’s radio show website, Sozo Talk Radio is (here).
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When he was 6 years-old, Michael’s younger brother tragically died when the two boys were playing. His SDE was sent to Chas in an e-mail from Michael and posted on the NDERF website. Chas also reads e-mail from lister, David.
Read Michael K’’s complete NDE on the NDERF website. Podcast: Play in new window | Download Subscribe: RSS While hiking in 1966 at the age of 6, Peter K sustained a severe injury that triggered his NDE where he saw thousands of his deceased relatives and knew everything that had ever happened in the world as well as everything that would happen. Chas … Podcast: Play in new window | Download Subscribe: RSS The audiobook version of Chas’ book, Life in the Spirit World: What Near-Death Experiences May Teach About Life On The Other Side is now ready for you to download! Use this link to purchase it. Thank you for supporting the podcast in every way you do! Purchase …
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Melanie was admitted to the hospital in extreme pain (headache and body aches), nausea and disorientation. She found herself looking out the seventh floor window of the hospital and she noticed she didn’t have a body. Chas reads from the NDERF website and narrates.
Read Melanie K’s complete NDE on the NDERF website. Podcast: Play in new window | Download Subscribe: RSS In 1972, when he was seventeen years old, Wayne Morrison mixed some drugs he shouldn’t have. During his probable NDE, he observed the entire history of our planet. He learned that every thought, vibration and feeling resounded throughout creation and has results, though we couldn’t begin … Podcast: Play in new window | Download Subscribe: RSS From the NDERF website, Chas narrates Barbara J’s NDE from drowning that includes angelic paramedics, Udon T’s NDE from liver failure in which he became a part of everything, and Sue V’s NDE-like experience where she experienced bliss and love that was so complete that …
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In February, 2001 in London, after injecting a lethal dose of cocaine and morphine Jesse N experienced instant death and an NDE. Chas reads the experience from the NDERF archive. He also discusses a listener’s e-mail and tries to clarify the contradictions of some NDEs.
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Read Jesse N’s complete NDE report on